The Big Dress Edit

Over 100 dresses for every budget

Dare I say it, but yesterday felt like Summer was just round the corner. I was actually quite warm in just a jumper and jeans. I’m almost wincing as I write as I don’t want to tempt fate, but I’m calling it people… I reckon our Summer clothing might just be within our reach. I have everything crossed.

And in anticipation for those warmer days, I have done a huge Summer dress edit with an array of different styles to suit everyone and for all budgets from £20 to £2000.

There’s over 100 flouncy, tiered, floral, slinky, mini and classic dresses. In all colours of the rainbow including lots of black and neutrals for all you minimalists out there.

I have linked to every single one of them below. Let me know if you find anything you like.

Under £100

£100 - £200

£200 - £500

Over £500

  • some items are affiliate links which means I make a small commission off any sale. This does not make any difference to the price you pay.


Minimal Style on a Budget


Our New York trip